Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summertime......and the Livin' is Easy

Summer is almost gone

And, like pretty much every other parent out there, I can hardly believe it went by so fast. 
Breck will be in 2nd grade and Rowan in kindergarten. 
All. Day. Long.

Part of me is looking forward to this, but an even bigger part of me knows there's no turning back.
Every day these kids of ours are getting a little older, a little bigger, a little closer to being an adult.
Just the other day Breck told me he doesn't want to go to college because then he'll have to leave home and he doesn't want to leave me.
I wish I could bottle up that innocence and keep it forever.
...and then use it on him in his rebellious teenage years. Maybe sneak it into his food so he'll magically turn back into a loving son.
That would be worth a Nobel Peace Prize.

Like I said....summer is almost gone.
But it's not gone yet.
We still have a couple more weeks of sleeping in and taking it easy.
And learning baseball!

Breck is learning the basics of baseball this month.
(it's not a team...more like a very short camp)
He's only had one practice so far, but loves it and seems to be getting the hang of things.
We may very well be looking into getting him on an actual team this fall!

Last week we worked on some crafts.

I must have goofed when I made the clay as it turned out very dry and brittle. Next time I'll make the kind of clay that calls for glue. Then maybe the snowmen heads won't fall off.

This week we tested several homemade versions of popular snack foods such as fruit roll-ups, goldfish crackers, and chips.

None...I repeat...none were given the thumbs up by either kid.
I thought the strawberry fruit roll-ups were awesome and the goldfish just needed more cheese, but they'll still make yummy croutons.
Despite my kids' finickiness and obvious lack of proper taste buds, I am determined to get the recipes to suit their tastes so they have much healthier snack and lunch options for the school year!


  1. Barbecue Sauce On Your Steak Anyone?(Kepler)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The fruit rollups sure look good.


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