Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Deanna Rose: Start of the New Season!

Our local children's farmstead, Deanna Rose, recently opened for the season!
Thankfully, we've had mostly nice weather so the kids and I went one afternoon.

Our first stop was to bottle feed the baby goats.
They. Were. CUTE!
If someone would have told us we could take one home, it would have been much too tempting to pass up!


Rowan, being the brave and fearless girl she is, stepped up to the plate and fed those babies without hesitation.



Breck, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with those pushy little animals.
He much preferred the pedal tractors.



And he was the only one I could get to stick his face in a cut-out long enough to snap a picture!


Aside from the pedal tractors, looking at the fish and turtles in the small pond is Breck's favorite thing to do.
He could stand near that water and watch the fish for hours.


I wish I could say that our trip ended as peacefully as that turtle looks,
but after getting a treat at the newly built ice cream parlor, the melt downs started...of both the ice cream and the kids.

I think our next trip should be in the morning!


  1. Awww, adorable photos! Looks like they had such a great time! xo

  2. What a fun day on the farm! How neat that you could feed the baby goats and those pedal tractors look like a lot of fun, too.

  3. Uh-oh....meltdowns! I've had my share of those. Where are the pictures of that?!?! HA!!! I know exactly what they look like.

    Those baby goats are precious. I love Rowan's sunglasses. Too cute!!! Little miss diva! Breck looks way too big on that little tractor. He must have hit a growth spurt. Where are your babies??

  4. Adorable! And so interesting that even though both are so young each have taken on the typical male and female rolls--boys on the tractor and girls feeding the babes!


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