Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Can Y'all Do Me a Favor, Please?

It will take nothing but time - about 1 minute to be exact.

Will you please vote for my friend's son in the Parent's Magazine cover model contest?!

In one day, they went from 1319th place to 494th place.
Still a long way to go, but that's some serious ground covered in one day!

You can vote daily, but I'm just asking you to vote today.
Your vote can make a difference.




  1. Voted :D Such a handsome lil man!

    Stopping by from SITS

  2. I voted!!!! I'll be back to vote some more too.

  3. Talk about networking!!! Thank you SO much for spreading the love!!! I can't imagine the huge difference it will make a difference as you have some fantastic blog friends and readers! You are the best!!

    Katie G.

  4. He's #359 now!!! Just voted again!


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