Friday, July 31, 2009

Granny Squares Blanket: New Squares, Loose Ends and a Thought.

New squares for the week:

All the loose ends I still need to sew in.
If there are any volunteers for this job, please email me straight away. I can pay you in chocolate.

While speaking of loose ends...

The kids love playing with yarn!
And when I'm in an I-don't-mind-untangling-and-re-rolling-yarn mood, they get to play to their hearts content.

(notice the "uh oh, I'm in trouble" expression on Breck's face!)

I've come to an almost-decision about the blanket size. I'm thinking this will be a lap blanket, as it is my first ever after all.
And after placing the squares side by side with enough guesstimated room in between for the cream boarder, I believe 10 squares x 12 squares should make for a sufficient size.

....and some simple math later brings us to 120 squares that are needed!
I have 28.


  1. Only 92 more squares to can do it!!! They are looking so good.

  2. Oh yes... loose ends... I hate tying in loose ends!


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