Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our Vacation, Part 1: Getting To Mexico

Here's a quick itinerary of our travel day:

2:30am: (yes, that's am!) Get up.
3:00am: Leave our house for the airport.
5:30am: Get to the short-term parking.
6:00am: Get to the airport, go through security and wait.
6:55am: (roughly) Plane leaves for Atlanta, GA where we catch our connecting flight to Cancun.

(Our arrival time in Atlanta was 10am and our plane to Cancun departed at 10:55am. We were a little worried about only having 55 minutes to switch planes, since neither of us had been to the Atlanta airport before. Since we waited until the last minute to book our flights, we weren't able to sit together. Seth had a primo seat at the front (of coach) and I had the pleasure of sitting at the waaaay back.)

7:00am-9:50am: Enjoy some incredible views from the plane and realize that I'd have to crawl over two people to get the camera from my bag in the overhead. ...the clouds were amazing!

10:00am: (roughly) Land in Atlanta
10:35am: Board the plane to Cancun
10:55am: (roughly) Leave for Cancun!

10:55am-12:45pm: Enjoy the flight to Cancun, this time I remembered to unpack my camera!

Seth and I were able to sit together on this flight and we were entertained by a southern lady who reminded me a lot of Vicki Lawrence (the lady from Mama's Family). She talked a lot, chugged her mini bottle of bourbon and made us laugh quite a bit! I should have asked to take her picture - I bet anything she would have vogued for it!

12:45pm: Arrive in Cancun, go through customs.
1:15pm: Take a van to our hotel in Playa del Carmen. (about an hour away from Cancun)
2:00pm: Arrive at the Grand Porto Real Hotel and check in.

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