Friday, April 24, 2009

Restoring Order: Phone Area

I just found a fun little meme today and thought I'd jump in at the last minute! It's called Restoring Order - basically decluttering areas of your home. (and I certainly need some motivation in that department!) Monica & Rebecca are the masterminds behind this wonderful thing and I encourage you to visit their sites to see how they've decluttered!

Since I just started today, I only got one area done, but I'm pretty happy with that! I chose to tackle our phone area.

With the possiblity of moving soon, we've started looking at our home in a new way - from a buyer's perspective. Which is great even if we end up staying put! We've begun to let go of things much easier and have started making mental lists of areas that need some serious help!

So, without further ado, here are my before and after pictures:


  1. Nice job and thanks for joining in! Your phone area looks great!

  2. Awesome job! =) What an accomplishment!


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