Monday, January 5, 2009

Creative Recycling: Shrinky Dinks!

Remember those awesome little crafts called Shrinky Dinks when you were little?!?! Well, Wendy at Wisdom of the Moon posted a quick little tutorial for making them using #6 plastics! I tried it just today and it worked awesomely! I'd like to say that I did this with Breck, but to be honest - this craft was just for me!

Here's a #6 plastic cup:

it does NOT work - the plastic doesn't cut well - it just cracks. :(

Here's a #6 plastic take out box:

it DOES work!

You can easily cut it with scissors, but on this particular kind, there's a very small surface you're able to work with:

So, I was able to get 2 Shrinky Dinks out of my to-go box. I used a paper punch to make my holes at the top of each.

Here's what they look like during baking:

I baked them at the suggested 325 degrees and it took mine almost exactly 2 minutes to finish. They curl up while baking but truely do flatten back out. I started watching mine with the door slightly ajar at the 1 minute mark.

And here's what they look like after!: I just have to figure out what to do with them! ;)

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